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Composition vs Héritage

Il y a quelques années j'ai commencé à me former à la programmation fonctionnelle. Depuis j'utilise de plus en plus le principe de composition mais je ne me suis jamais formalisé pourquoi.

Cet article est ma tentative de condenser mes années d'expérience sur ce sujet.

Shared Worker

Last week I was thinking about one of my personal projects and what kind of evolution I could make. And a came across one requiring two browser tabs (on the same domain) to communicate with each other. And I remembered one article read long ago about shared web worker that could help me do that. I've spent the whole week trying to find this article and couldn't find it back. The only resources I did find was a short article on SitePoint dating back to 2011 and the specifications on

Another strange thing is the disappearance of the documention on the Mozilla Developper Network.

So I decided to do an article on the subject with a use case and code examples.